Alliance harmonieuse du Taichi chuan , du Qiqong , Yoga et de la Méditation
Christian RASOTTO
06 17 08 68 09
01 69 09 42 67
Stress fatigue (Doctissimo)
Faced with an ongoing and repetitive stress, our body draws on its reserves tireless energy and struggle to adapt.If our lifestyle is wrong, our bodies can not find the necessary fuel and crashes.
Then you feel fatigue, which in some cases lasting stress will not be repaired by sleep.It should in this case to restructure his sleep, ie find his own rhythm, its own internal clock.To do this, needless to sleep more, it should just sleep better: go to bed and wake up at regular times, do not take stimulants before bedtime,…
An unbalanced diet promotes stresse
Our way of thinking, feeling, perceiving, depends on our physical and biological.For this, we must ensure a balance between food nutrients that we ingest.Prefer complex carbohydrates (cereals, potatoes, pasta, rice,…) Rather than sugar or pastry.Reduce fat and prefer vegetable fats. Veillez à consommer suffisamment de bonnes protéines (poissons, viandes, oeufs, laitages).
Conversely, stress leads to negative eating behaviorse
La perte du rythme des repas, le grignotage, les déjeuners pris sur le pouce dans de mauvaises conditions, … sont des comportements induits par le stress. Les aliments choisis sont principalement ceux que nous ressentons comme dé-stressants : sucres rapides, sodas, graisses, …car ils nous font plaisir. On ne le dira jamais assez, ré-équilibrez votre alimentation et prenez le temps de manger, en choisissant un endroit calme, tempéré et qui vous permet d’être assis. Le repas est un vrai moment de détente pour votre organisme.
Chocolate and more generally the sweets are foods anti-stresse
They belong to the category of simple sugars that is, they pass directly into the bloodstream, giving a boost almost immediate but short-lived.It must focus on carbohydrates which in turn affect the long-term.Sugars present, however the advantage of giving pleasure, what we want when we win the stress.Nevertheless, they are fattening if consumed excessively.
La consommation de tabac dé-stresse e
Chez certaines personnes, le tabac a le pouvoir d’abaisser le niveau de stress et de donner un coup de fouet. Le tabac est un excitant qui augmente la fréquence cardiaque et la tension artérielle. A terme, en revanche, il asphyxie notre sang et en particulier celui qui irrigue le cerveau. C’est un faux calmant qui induit un phénomène de dépendance dangereux à terme pour l’organisme. Il est à bannir au même titre que les autres excitants : café, thé, …
Stress leads to deficiencies in vitamins and trace elementse
Stress has no direct impact on levels of vitamins and trace elements present in the body.These nutritional imbalances induced by a stress condition that can lead to deficiencies.Take a nutritional supplement that will not respond promptly to this imbalance without affecting the long-term.Taking a vitamin supplement must also be determined by your doctor and done under his supervision because the presence of certain molecules in excessive amounts in the blood can be harmful to the organism.
Ayla Seugon