Alliance harmonieuse du Taichi chuan , du Qiqong , Yoga et de la Méditation


The harmonious techniques of Tai Chi, Qigong and Yoga allow multiple possible responses to stress management to find a balanced life
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Christian RASOTTO



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Some additional keys

The energy can also be a source of stress or increased levels of stress.Traffic can be impeded by a blocking body, agitation of the mind or in the nadis (energy pathways…..subtle…)



Yoga and Qigong taichi act together to facilitate the smooth flow again……which will be the basis for building

Several things inter act

Our energy level....see above

Environment: Pressure persons or external causes.

environnement..........or.............environnement 2

The impressions are like food for the mind and the subconscious

Past experiences that have left a trace of emotional reaction or impression



The food of our minds: what one reads and watches…which acts on the conscious and the subconscious

mental 2


Perceptions of the senses

Our senses are either employees…which gives a lot of pressure on the nervous system


Or underemployed…inertia settlesinertie

Be abused: emotionally charged negative images…Violent film…sounds violent..abuse…all outabus



Some Keys to reduce stress

A first key is to a certain detachment active of what our senses perceive…not totally into it…not to seize and make the concept with an instant…but instead using meditation approaches multiply the experience to approach as much as possible the real meaning




A second key is to raise his level of existence and ethics in a freely chosen discipline with a time suitable for work and daily internal work

temps de pause

A third key is not to completely identify with his mind….Which is for most of us a bunch of uncontrolled thoughts


A fourth key when the mind is somewhat alleviated the witness is to be attentive, quiet and without seizure activity of the mind and the effects of our connection to the outside world…for example, actions on the basis of something that I miss, we try to fill something that is empty inside.It has to do with the desire that creates a need for more…as on other levels…there will be no end…..

temoin cosmique


A fifth key is to arrange his schedule…we need to pause…to be in touch with nature….To practice physical health or is it a healthy body


A sixth key is to reposition some flexibility with what we consider right and wrong / good and bad / right and wrong / True and False / successes and failures / true motivation and actions for fear of being judged by others…etc.…..


A seventh key is to raise its stake ethics in the world by giving to others..according to his abilities and opportunities..Love, Knowledge…or Time…..(Knowing that they must limit its action to the achievable with his abilities and personality…..and start with small things before tackling the major…otherwise it falls back into the wheel of stress….mission impossible)


An eighth key is to look at our past mistakes with compassion, with the consciousness that every act of our life has been achieved with the level of the day…the important thing is the progress made and the route you're taking….


A ninth key meditation provides an opportunity to fingerprints of the subconscious to rise to the surface…These prints came into us with the sense….Can not be avoided but by the impressions some discipline and some may have health act in order not to be influenced by too many impressions and not create new negative


Act with a pure conscience and happiness will follow.Soyal Rimpoche (Rigpa france)